5 octubre, 2024 | 10:27 pm

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Michelle Obama celebra el Día de las Madres escribiendo emotivo mensaje en sus redes sociales

A través de su cuenta oficial de Instagram, la ex primera dama de Estados Unidos admitió que ya se estaba preparando para Mother’s Day.

También aseguró que se quería tomar un tiempo para reconocer a todas esas mujeres que están en su vida y que puede que no sean su mamá, pero siempre han jugado un papel fundamental.

“He estado agradecida de estar rodeada de tantas mujeres fuertes, inteligentes y de buen corazón que junto con mi madre me han hecho quien soy”, apuntó Michelle.


Ver esta publicación en Instagram


As we prepare for #MothersDay on Sunday, I wanted to take a moment to shine a light on those women in our lives who may not be our mothers, but have nonetheless played an important role in nurturing us. I’ve been grateful to be surrounded by so many strong, intelligent, warm-hearted women who, along with my mother, have made me who I am. They include my soft-spoken grandmother LaVaughn, whose work managing a Bible book store showed me some of my first glimpses of a woman in charge. I sparred with my Aunt Robbie, who lived below us, during piano lessons—but her teaching showed me the importance of hard work and preparation, and she was always there for me when I needed her most. My mentor at Princeton, Czerny, saw potential in me and did her part to get me to step outside of my comfort zone—to be a little more bold, a little less cautious. And then there’s Eleanor Kaye Wilson, who we call “Mama Kaye.” She’s sweet-hearted and deep-rooted, a second mother or grandmother for all four of us—Malia, Sasha, Barack, and me. She’s been there to help with mealtime, craft time, been to all of our events over so many years—a wonderful friend and confidant to my mother. We love her, just like we love so many supportive women whose stories and contributions often go unrecognized, but who deserve just as much appreciation and love this time of year. So if there’s a Mama Kaye or a Czerny, a Grandma LaVaughn or an Aunt Robbie in your life, make sure to show them some love this weekend, too.

Una publicación compartida de Michelle Obama (@michelleobama) el




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