20 septiembre, 2024 | 3:47 am

Yosi Sideral

90.1 FM


96.5 FM

La Tronadora

104.1 FM


97.7 FM

La Grande

99.3 FM

Nueva Fabuestéreo

88.1 FM


89.7 FM
Musicales/ YoSiSideral

Fotos: Después de perder casi 300 libras se lució en bikini y recibe burlas por este motivo

Conozca los detalles.

Jacqueline Adan logró bajar más de 300 libras y quiso mostrarlo con sus seguidores. Sin embargo lo que recibió fueron muchas burlas.

¿Por qué motivo?

Adan llegó a pesar más de 400 libras debido a los excesos alimenticios y la falta de ejercicios durante su vida.

Con mucho esfuerzo y dedicación logró bajar más de 300 libras y decidió celebrarlo con su pareja viajando a las playas de México.

Debido a su radical cambio de peso, Jacqueline Adan, tenía en la apariencia de sus piernas las secuelas de su vida desordenada, pero su nuevo aspecto no la retuvo para lucir un traje de baño. En el lugar una pareja se burlaba de ella.

“Cuando fuimos de vacaciones a México hace unas semanas, era la primera vez que ocupaba un traje de baño en un largo tiempo, e incluso más tiempo desde que ocupaba uno sin cubrirme. Estaba nerviosa. Seguía sintiéndome como la chica de 200 kilos… y entonces ocurrió. Una pareja sentada cerca de una piscina estaba apuntándome y riéndose. ¿Qué hice? Respiré profundo, sonreí y seguí caminando”, comentó.

“Sí, tengo mucha piel suelta, me siento insegura muchas veces, y sí, la gente se burla de mi. Honestamente, sí me molesta. ¡Pero no dejaré que me afecte!”, comentó orgullosa Jacqueline.

Después de su publicación muchas personas la felicitaron y le comentaron que podían ayudarla económicamente para realizarse las respectivas cirugías. Ahora, Adan se burla de esa pareja que habló mal de ella y sigue en la lucha de conservar su peso, además de amarse tal y como es, con ello publicó el siguiente video:

New video up now! To watch the full video about how after losing over 300 pounds and being body shamed actually helped me to love myself head over to my YouTube where I take you guys behind the scenes to my first public speaking event and share out loud about how loving myself has really changed my life! I was so nervous!! And excited! . I used to think that once I lost weight, I would be happy. I thought losing weight was the key to my happiness. That could be the farthest thing from the truth! Along my journey I finally learned that my true happiness does not come from a number on the scale, but it comes from me! It was inside of me the whole time! I just had to let it come out and shine! . I had the opportunity to speak at my local @athleta store during the #suitup event and it was the first time I have ever shared my journey in public, speaking to a room full of strangers and telling them about how I used to weigh over 500 pounds, lost over 300 pounds, was body shamed, and finally learned to love myself. I have never said all of that out loud face to face. I have thought about it, typed it out and shared it with thousands of people…but speaking to others and sharing my journey out loud was a whole new, and very emotional experience for me. You can hear my voice get shakey and yes part of it was nerves, but to be honest I had to hold back the tears while I was speaking. Looking out to a room full of people who were just listening to me share my life with them, and seeing a lot of them crying and clapping for me made me very emotional. As I was sharing my story and hearing myself actually say it out loud, I was filled with pride! I was proud of myself and the journey that I have been on. Yes I lost over 300 pounds, but what I have gained is so much more! To see some behind the scenes of my photoshoot, go shopping with me for the event AND hear my first public speaking event ever where I share how I was body  shamed after losing 300 pounds and how it changed my life forever please head over to my YouTube channel YouTube.com/jacquelinesjourney . It would mean so much to me if you go watch!! Link to the video is also in my bio. @athleta @athleta_sf

Una publicación compartida de Jacqueline’s Journey (@jacquelineadan44) el

Every morning when I wake up and see Kevin right next to me, sometimes I find myself thinking, why me. How did I get so lucky to have someone like him- who has loved me from the moment we met no matter what. Someone who has loved every roll, wrinkle, loose skin, stretch mark, no boobs, heavy legged girl. How could someone ever have loved me so much, even when I found it hard to even love myself. How could someone ever want to be with someone who weighs over 500 pounds, and still looked at me every morning like I was the most beautiful thing he had ever seen? How did someone like me get so lucky to find that kind of unconditional love? The unconditional love that Kevin has shown me is a big reason why I learned to finally love myself. When I decided I was ready to change my life, he took my hand and was right there with me every step of the way! He has always loved me for me. My size, weight, or shape was not what determined his love for me…and he did not care what size clothes I wore or what the number on the scale said, or even what others said or thought about me. And instead of getting angry at others when they laughed at me, made fun of me and mocked me and my body, he just loved me more. From weighing over 500 pounds, to losing 350 pounds, to loose skin, endless surgeries, and my struggle with loving myself- one thing has never changed. His true love for me! That unconditional love is what has helped me to love every roll and all of the loose skin and stretch marks and cellulite on my body. That love makes me keep fighting everyday to be the best me that I can be! Love does not see weight, loose skin, six pack, thigh gaps and it definitely does not matter what a number on a scale says. Love is love. True love sees the beauty in flaws. Those flaws and that beauty makes them special. We have been through so much together, and this is only the beginning! So Happy Birthday to the man who loved me at my worst, and helped me to see myself as nothing else but beautiful!

Una publicación compartida de Jacqueline’s Journey (@jacquelineadan44) el

How to have a beach body! 1- buy a bathing suit 2- put it on 3- go to the beach 4- there- beach body! Now that it is summer time, the weather is warm, we may have vacations planned, BBQs to attend, and with it almost being 4th of July…that is the perfect time to rock those beach bodies! To be honest, I used to hate summertime because I never had a #Beachbody or a #summerbody and hated the way I looked, I always thought everyone looked so good in a bathing suit and me…not so much! Even after losing 350 pounds, I was still embarrassed of my body and the #looseskin But then something happened. When I was in Mexico last summer it was the first time I wore a bathing suit out in public in a really long time! I was nervous and I was actually made fun of when I took my cover-up off. #bodyshaming  Little did I know, that moment was what made me most confident of all! Here I was in a bathing suit at the beach and being made fun of and that moment made me realize how much I love myself and how proud of my body I really am. After that moment I have been rocking this beach body all day, every day and it may still be a little uncomfortable but I do not care! I have always wanted a beach body and I finally realized I have had one all along! I just needed to be confident in myself, love myself and be confident in my body! #selflove All along I had a beach body. And it took me being made fun of to finally realize this, that I actually loved myself and be proud of the body I had! Every body is a beach body! You Just have put a bathing suit on, go to the beach, #loveyourself and boom- beach body! . . . . #bodypositive #bopo #effyourbeautystandards #selfloveclub #bodyconfidence #shapesquad #bodyacceptance #beautybeyondsize #everybodyisbeautiful #extremeweightloss #selflovejourney #spreadlove #selfesteem #bodyposi #shapesquad #truetothis #selfesteem #allbodiesaregoodbodies #lovemybody #selfmade #teamSELF @volcom @volcomwomens

Una publicación compartida de Jacqueline’s Journey (@jacquelineadan44) el

Losing weight is hard. Period.  There will be times that you mess up and fall down. You will want to yell, scream, cry, fall to the floor and give up. Chances are…you will probably do all of that. You will make excuses and you will feel like you just can’t do it. I know. I have been there. When I was over 500 pounds I made every excuse in the book. I told myself I could not do it…I was right. Until I was ready to face reality and stop making excuses. . The truth is, weight loss is so much more than just losing weight and it can be very ugly and very messy!  It can take you to a dark place and make you question everything and everyone! But the harder you fall, the better the rise! Losing over 350 pounds was hard. But it was so worth it! We always think it cannot be done…until it is done! . If you haven’t read some of my ugly truths about weight loss and how I managed to fight like hell to lose over 350 pounds no matter what obstacles stood in my way, head over to my blog  www.Jacquelineadan.com  I have a direct link in my bio to my blog. Make sure to subscribe to my blog so you can get little notes and emails from me 🙂 . . . #extremeweightloss #losingweight #transformation #transformationtuesday #beforeandafter #beforeandafterweightloss #thenandnow #obesetobeast #weightlossjourney #weightlosstransformation #weightlosshelp #weightlosstips #mysf #sanfranciscoblogger

Una publicación compartida de Jacqueline’s Journey (@jacquelineadan44) el

#tbt to about a week ago when I was trying on a bathing suit for the first time in a looonng time! This was especially challenging since I had to find one with sleeves. While on vacation I am trying my best to keep my incisions covered and away from the sunlight, since the sun can make scaring worse! So when I found a bathing suit with sleeves I told myself “you have to try it on”. I was filled with so many emotions as I tried this on. As I looked at myself in the mirror, for the first time I did not worry about my legs, what my body looked like in a bathing suit or what other people would think of me. I saw someone who worked damn hard to get to this place, this exact moment. I was debating sharing this photo, but I asked myself “why wouldn’t you?” So…that’s exactly what I am doing! My journey is far from over, however being able to try on a bathing suit, share it with all of you, and be PROUD of how I look..that is what counts! Love yourself…always!!! . . . . #jacquelineadan #jacquelinesjourney #fattofit #bodybuilding #bodybuildingcom #bodypositive #bodyposi #goals #extremeweightloss #noexcuses #losingweight #weightloss #weightlosssupport #weightlosscommunity #beforeandafter #beforeandafterweightloss #weightlosstransformation #weightlossbeforeandafter #weightlossblogger #onaquest #fit #fitspo #obesetobeast #perfectlyimperfect #fitfam #fitspiration #fitness #workoutmotivation #effyourbeautystandards

Una publicación compartida de Jacqueline’s Journey (@jacquelineadan44) el

When we were on vacation in Mexico a few weeks ago, it was the first time I had worn a bathing suit in a long time, and it had been even longer since I wore a bathing suit without a cover up. I was nervous to take my cover up off and to walk into the pool or walk on the beach. I still felt like that same 500 pound girl…then it happened. A couple sitting by the pool started laughing and pointing at me and making fun of me as soon as I took my cover up off. So what did I do? I took a deep breath, smiled and walked into the pool. That was a huge moment for me. I had changed. I was not the same girl anymore. Yes I still have a lot of loose skin, I may still feel insecure at times, and yes I may still get made fun of. To be honest, yes it bothered me. But I was not going to let people like that affect me anymore! I am not going to let what other people think of me stop me from living my life. They do not know me. They do not know how I have worked my ass off to lose 350 pounds. They do not know how I am recovering from major surgeries. They have no right to sit and point and laugh at me. That’s why I smiled. It does not matter what others say or if they try to doubt you or try to bring you down. What matters is how you react to it. How you feel about yourself. Loving yourself just the way you are is hard. Others might not like that. That’s ok. I hope you love yourself. Love your body. I hope you keep doing you and just keep smiling! . . . . . #jacquelineadan #jacquelinesjourney #effyourbeautystandards #selfloveclub #selflove #lovemybody #lovemyshape #loveyourself #teamself #extremeweightloss #weightloss #weightlossjourney #weightlosstransformation #weightlossmotivation #beforeandafter #beforeandafterweightloss #wlstories #onaquest #bodybuildingcom #bodypositive #bodyconfidence #bodyposi #transformationfitnation #motivationmonday #mondaymotivation #fitfam #fitspo #bodytransformation #igtransformations #transformationjourney

Una publicación compartida de Jacqueline’s Journey (@jacquelineadan44) el




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