30 septiembre, 2024 | 2:34 pm

Yosi Sideral

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La Grande/ Musicales

GALERÍA: Realizan masivo desfile del LGBT

Cientos de miles de juerguistas del LGBT se han congregado en la famosa Oxford Street de Sídney mientras la ciudad se transforma con colores y brillos para el 40º desfile de Mardi Gras.

Se espera que la celebración del sábado atraiga a una multitud récord ya que los organizadores aprovechan la oportunidad para mirar hacia atrás y definir momentos en la historia del evento.

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull and his wife Lucy made an appearance the Dykes on Bikes and Boys on Bikes kicked off the evening's festivities

El primer ministro, Malcolm Turnbull, y su esposa, Lucy, hicieron una aparición; los Dykes en Bicicletas y Niños en Bicicletas iniciaron las festividades de la noche.

About 200 floats will make their way up the popular strip from 7pm, including a group of 250 people who were involved in the original 1978 demonstration and subsequent riot

Alrededor de 200 carrozas subirán por la popular franja desde las 7:00 p.m., incluido un grupo de 250 personas que participaron en la manifestación original de 1978 y disturbios subsecuentes.

More than 12,000 people were expected to take part in the parade, which kicked off on Sydney's Oxford Street on Saturday night

Más de 12,000 personas participarán en el desfile de este año incluyendo a Maude Boate, quien ha viajado desde Broken Hill en el lejano oeste de NSW y no es nueva en la escena del Mardi Gras.

Some parade goers arrived on Saturday night dressed in studded, thigh-high leather boots and fish net stockings 

Para muchos, es la primera vez que han podido celebrar Mardi Gras como una pareja legalmente casada en Australia.
Others dressed in colourful garments as they watched the parade floats go by from the sidewalk, where hoards of people gathered

The flesh was on display for young and old - as many arrived at the parade dressed in little more than a pair of underwear and sneakers


Drag Queen Ms J took centre stage during the night in a bright yellow dress and an extravagant matching floral headpiece 

A total of 195 floats took part in the parade which was witnessed by some wearing budgy smugglers with knee-high white socks

Mardi Gras creative director Greg Clarke insisted people would not be disappointed by what was in store at the parade


Groups of parade goers coordinated their outfits for the highly anticipated night of celebrations 


Revellers were treated to comfortable Sydney weather on the night after the Bureau of Meteorology forecast mild temperatures and mostly clear skies




Kevin Moscoso
Kevin Moscoso

Kevin Moscoso analiza el juego de ida de la semifinal


Garfield: datos curiosos que debes conocer antes de verla

Papa Francisco saludando
Papa Francisco saludando

Papa Francisco participará en foro sobre baja natalidad en Italia


36 atletas conformarán el equipo de refugiados en París 2024

