29 septiembre, 2024 | 7:29 pm

Yosi Sideral

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La grandiosa transformación de un hombre que ya no quiso ser “patito feo”

Un vendedor de seguros con sobrepeso quedó irreconocible después de perder casi 100 libras y cultivar una barba moderna que lo ha catapultado a modelar la fama.

Gwilym Pugh, de 33 años y oriundo de Londres, ha ganado seguidores en todo el mundo gracias a su distintivo atractivo, e incluso David Beckham lo ha elegido como el rostro de sus proyectos de whiskey y aseo personal.

Gwilym (pictured here in 2007) piled on weight while working from home and was prevented from training due to a knee injury - causing him to soar to around 20 stone

El modelo de GQ nacido en Cardiff, que anteriormente operaba una compañía de seguros de vida desde su habitación, aumentó de peso mientras trabajaba desde su casa y se le impidió entrenar debido a una lesión en la rodilla.

New look: Gwilym Pugh is unrecognisable after shedding nearly 7 stone and growing a trendy beard which has catapulted him to modelling fame - and he now has over 170,000 followers

Pero desde entonces ha bajado una gran cantidad de peso para convertirse en un modelo exitoso que ha adornado las páginas de la revista GQ, trabajando con marcas de todo el mundo, incluidas Belstaff, Diesel y Bud Light.

Friends in high places: Gwilym has been snapped up by David Beckham as the face of his business ventures (pictured here with Beckham at his grooming launch last month)


Star on the rise: Gwilym dropped from 20 stone to 13 stone 7 lbs to become a successful model and has graced the pages of GQ magazine and worked with brands across the world

Inspiration: After starting a folk band with his friend, Gwilym's barber urged him to grow some facial hair to look the part - a decision which propelled him to modelling fame

Red hot rise to the top: Gwilym has gained fans across the globe thanks to his distinctive ginger facial hair and has even been snapped up by David Beckham

Turning point: A few years ago, 'shy' Gwilym joined Instagram ( gwilymcpugh ) which boosted his following and helped him get 'spotted' by Welsh tailor Nathan Palmer

Reflecting on his newfound fame, Gwilym said: 'I think I'm lucky I got into this profession at the age that I did. I try not to get caught up in it all and my girlfriend helps a great deal wit that'





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