22 septiembre, 2024 | 5:22 pm

Yosi Sideral

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Pic shows: Paul's Taiwan tattoos. A British expat living in Taiwan angered his wife when he made the drunken decision to tattoo the island’s name on his forehead in huge Chinese characters. Paul, 32, is said to be an avid supporter of Taiwan’s sovereignty and independence movement, but he shocked his Taiwanese wife when he came home with the words "tai wan" inked on his head and a Taiwan independence flag tattooed on his chin. The Brit, who met his wife during a working-holiday trip in Australia in the mid-2000s, has been living in Taiwan for over a decade and now resides in the south-western city of Kaohsiung. He even had the same green, alternative Taiwan independence flag - made by the World Taiwanese Congress - tattooed on his right arm a year ago. By Paul’s own admission, the rash decision to ink the name of Taiwan on his forehead came during a night of heavy drinking and after a passionate discussion about Taiwan’s independence. He is said to have picked out the nearest tattoo parlour and then demanded the words and green flag be inked on his face. Tattoo artist Wei Cheng, who has been accused of taking advantage of his drunk client, argues that he questioned Paul’s decision numerous times before proceeding with the session. "Are you sure you want to tattoo this on your face?" Wei said he asked Paul, who replied: "I love Taiwan. Tattoo it on my face." Wei said: "I told him he could even be pulled over by the police, but he said he would change his passport photo." Wei noted that his enthusiastic client even shaved his beard himself before the session and was "very pleased" with the end result, uploading photos of his new tattoo online. The Brit’s wife, however, was not pleased with the "artwork". "My wife doesn’t like it. She’s very angry," Paul told local media in fluent Mandarin. "I’m stupid," he added. "I love Taiwan. That’s why I did this," Paul said, adding: "But I wouldn’t have done this had I not been drunk." When as

Este es el resultado de hablar de política en una noche copas

Hablar de política puede atraer algún desacuerdo, hacerlo durante una noche de copas puede acarrear peores problemas.

Hablar de política puede atraer algún desacuerdo o confrontación, hacerlo durante una noche de copas puede acarrear peores problemas como el caso de Brit Paul.

Brit, de 32 años, un británico residente en Taiwán, discutía sobre la independencia de la isla asiática, y luego de estar completamente ebrio buscó el salón de tatuajes más cercano.

El británico se puso efusivo en la discusión y quiso demostrar su cariño por Taiwán y se tatuó el nombre de la isla con enormes caracteres chinos, junto con una bandera de independencia en el mentón, este fue el resultado:

Asia Wire

Por muy feliz que Paul haya estado con su nueva obra de arte, su esposa estaba enojada.

“A mi esposa no le gusta. Está muy enojada”, dijo Brit a la prensa local, antes de agregar “soy estúpido”.

“Me encanta Taiwán. Por eso lo hice, pero no hubiera hecho esto si no hubiera estado borracho”, agregó.

El tatuador responsable, Wei Cheng, insistió en que cuestionó varias veces la decisión de Paul.

Wei dijo que le preguntó a Paul, “¿Estás seguro de que quieres tatuar esto en tu cara?”, pero el le respondió: “Amo Taiwán. Tatúame en mi cara ‘.

Los médicos le explicaron a Paul que necesitará 10 dolorosos tratamientos con láser y más de Q43 mil para eliminarle su tatuaje por completo.

Este tiene que ser uno de los peores casos de resaca






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